M$ Linux

ZBX zbx na seznam.cz
Středa Září 15 14:54:09 CEST 2004

Doufam, ze jsem to trefil

K5 wrote:

> Preloze to nekdo, at se taky pobavíme!
> What others are saying:
> "They want me to be a whore!"
> -- Linus Torvalds.
"Chtej' si ze mne udelat devku!"
> "He doesn't scare me as much as he scares others."
> -- Richard Stallman
"Nedesi mne to tolik jako to desi ostatni"
Richard Stallman, otec GNU
> "Jesus Christ, who are these people?"
> -- Bill Gates
> "Kristepane, co je to za lidi?"
> "I don't remember agreeing to that."
> -- Janet Reno
"Nepamatuji se, ze bych tohle schvalila."
Janet Reno je(nebo byla?) ministr spravedlnosti USA nebo tak neco(nebo 
generalni prokurator?).
> "This is horseshit. Horseshit, horseshit, horseshit. And for those of you who don't know what that means, it's the shit that comes
> from a horse!"
> -- Greg, Columbia Internet
> "To je kobylinec. Kobylinec, kobylinec, kobylinec. A pro ty z vás, kdoz nevedí co to znamená, je to konský hovno!"
> MS Linux is released under the provisions of the Gates Private License, which means you can freely use this Software on a single
> machine without warranty after having paid the purchase price and annual renewal fees.
"M$ Linux je siren pod ustanovenim Gatesovy Privatni Licence(parodie na 
General Public Licence), coz znamena ze muzete tento software volne
pouzivat na jednom pocitaci bez zaruky, pote co zaplatite plnou cenu a 
jednorocni obnovovaci poplatky."

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